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Sib Tobba Popolari u Kirurgi tas-sengħa

dr. sumitpal bhatti ent surgeon

Dr Sumitpal Bhatti

Kirurgu ENT

Esperjenza: 34 Snin ta 'Esperjenza

Kwalifikazzjoni : MBBS, MS - ENT

Sptar: Isptar Sahyadri

Billi Pajjiż











Isptar Fortis, Gurgaon

    Itlob Sejħa lura

    Qosor Dwar Dr Sumitpal Bhatti

    Dr Sumitpal Bhatti huwa ENT/Otorinolaringologist imħawwar u Kirurgu Kap u Għonq ibbażat f'Pune, li jiftaħar 33 sena ta 'esperjenza estensiva fil-qasam tiegħu. Mill-1997, ilu jipprattika fil-klinika ENT ta 'Dr Sumit f'Dapodi, Pune, filwaqt li serva wkoll bħala Kirurgu Anzjan ENT fl-Isptar KEM, Isptar Sahyadri fuq Nagar Road, Kalyaninagar, u Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital f'Fatima Nagar, Pune.

    Barra minn hekk, huwa kien affiljat ma 'Ruby Hall Clinic u Apollo Spectra. Dr Sumitpal Bhatti kiseb l-MBBS tiegħu minn Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital f’Pune fl-1990, segwit minn MS fl-ENT mill-istess istituzzjoni fl-1994.

    Fl-2017, huwa temm kors taċ-Ċertifikat fl-Implant Kochleari fiċ-Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Lille fi Franza. Huwa membru attiv ta 'diversi organizzazzjonijiet professjonali, inklużi l-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Otolaryngologists tal-Indja (AOI), ISO, CIGI, VA, u IMA.

    Matul is-snin, huwa kellu rwol sinifikanti bħala professur, mentor, u edukatur għal bosta studenti undergraduate u postgraduate, kif ukoll persunal tal-infermiera.

    L-għarfien espert tiegħu jinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta’ trattamenti u proċeduri ta’ rutina fil-widnejn, l-imnieħer u l-griżmejn, bħal Kirurġija Endoskopika tas-Sinus, Implant Cochlear u Kirurġija BAHA, Laser, Kirurġija assistita minn Radju-frekwenza u Coblation, kif ukoll kirurġiji għal Voice, Snoring, u Disturbi fl-irqad, kundizzjonijiet tat-tirojde, Kanċer tar-ras u tal-għonq, Sialendoscopy, Allerġija fl-imnieħer, u Sinusoplasty tal-Bużżieqa.

    Kwalifika ta' Dr Sumitpal Bhatti

    MBBS – Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital, Pune, 1990 MS – ENT – Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital, Pune, 1994

    Lista ta 'Trattament ta' Dr Sumitpal Bhatti

    Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery Surgery for Snoring Phonosurgery Skull Base Surgery Orbital & Optic Nerve Decompression Sinusitis Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal Foreign Body in Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat CSF Rhinorrhoea Repair Surgery Eardrum Rupture Treatment Head and Neck Pain Nasal Disorders Ear Pain Speaking Difficulty Hearing Loss Hearing, Speech Impairment Nosebleed (Epistaxis) Treatment Mouth Bleed Tonsillitis Treatment Pure Tone Audiometry Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) Speech Audiometry Vertigo/Dizziness Swallowing Problem Audiometry Test Ear Micro Surgery Throat and Voice Problems Tinnitus Evaluation / Management Nasal and Sinus Allergy Care Cochlear Implants Ear Lobe Correction / Repair Ear & Nose Piercing Myringotomy Grommet Insertion Fracture Nasal Bone Correction Facial Cosmetic Surgery Scar Revision Surgery Tongue Tie Release Thyroid Disorder Treatment Salivary Gland Surgery Laryngeal Biopsy Stapedectomy Facial Plastic Surgery Tracheostomy Sinonasal Malignancies Balloon Sinuplasty Thyroid Surgery Parotid Surgery Microsurgery of the Larynx Laryngotracheal Anomalies Speech Threrapy Allergy Testing Immunity Therapy Polysomnography Pillar Procedure Snoring Snoring Disorder Thyroid Managemnet Vertigo Imbalance Dizziness Dizzy Uvulopalatoplasty UPPP UP3 Hearing Deficiency Assessment Hearing Aid Fitting Sleep Disorder Early Morning Headache Chronic Fatigue Chronic Irritability Surgery for snoring and sleep apnoea Doctor for Sleep Irregular Sleep Trouble Sleeping Difficulty Sleeping Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children Pediatric Sleep Disorders Speech-Language Pathology New Born Care Canalith Repositioning (CR) Auriculotherapy Ear Reconstruction Assistive Listening Devices Auditory Processing Cysts and nodules of vocal fold Otoneurology Ear Reconstructive Surgery Earache Electrophysiology Hearing Faringolaringologia Rehabilitation labyrinthine Labyrinth disease Labyrinthitis Nasofibrolaryngoscopy Nasofriboscopia Children’s infectious diseases Herpes Infection Treatment HIV Treatment Head and Neck Infection Treatment Human Papilloma Virus – HPV Specialty Diagnostics in Tuberculosis Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Treatment Chickenpox Treatment Infectious Disease Treatment Foot infection Glandular Disease Laser treatment for ringworm Treatments for ringworm Bronchial Asthma Treatment Vaccination/ Immunization Eosinophilia Treatment Travel Vaccination and Consultation Balance Exercises Laser Resurfacing Reconstructive Surgery Face Lift/ Rhytidectomy Blepharoplasty Otoplasty Chin Augumentation (Mentoplasty) Reconstructive, Microvascular Surgery Laser Electrocaurtry Brow Lift Forehead Lift Lip Augmentation Lip Reduction Cheek Implant Thread Lift Mole Removal Cleft Lip Repair Cheek Augmentation Injectable Fillers Skin Tag Surgical Removal Cleft Lip and Palate Cosmetic Surgery Botox Injections Face lift Deafness Treatment Laser Lip Surgery Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation Therapy) Sleep Disturbance Sleep Disorder Treatment Sleep Study Dysphonia Dysfunction in Learning Dyslalia Hoarseness Language Presa Language stimulation Sentinel Node Biopsy Oral Cancer Treatment Voice Therapy Allergy Treatment Dimple Creation Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery – FESS Laryngoscopy ENT Checkup (General) Pediatric Otolaryngology Rhinoplasty Giddiness Nose Reshaping rhinologist Otologist/Neurotologist Somnologist(nSleep Specialist) Sleep Apnea Plastic Surgery Speech Therapy Head and Neck Oncologist Headache Management Head and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery fungal infections specialist Neurotologist Community ENT Specialist audiologist Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) Cortical Evoked Response Audiometry (CERA) Audiogram Audiometry Impedance Clinical Immunologist Allergist / Immunologist Sleep Disorder Specialist Pediatric Sleep Medicine Specialist Educational Speech Therapist speech therapist Laryngo-Pharyngologist Bronchoesophagology Specialist Otolaryngic Allergist and Immunologist Language Therapist Neurofunctional Speech Therapist ENT Head and Neck Surgeon ent Otorhinolaryngology Otolaryngology Ear Nose Throat Ear Drum Repair Hole in ear Hearing Loss Sudden Hearing loss nose block Nasal blockage Nasal Septum Surgery Nasal Polypectomy Stuffy nose Septoplasty Treatment of Epistaxis Tonsillectomy Sebaceous cyst excision Adenoidectomy Coblation Radiofrequency Difficulty of Learning Frontal Sinus Surgery Cysts Nose congestion Sneezing Running nose Watering nose Flowing nose Lump in Neck Swelling in Neck Pain in throat Pain during swallowing Pain while swallolwing Sinus Surgery Chronic Sinusitis SSNHL ISSNHL Sensorineural hearing loss Conductive hearing loss Pain in ear Difficulty breathing Loud snoring Nose hump removal Laryngectomy BAHA Implant Bone Anchored Hearing Aid Bone Anchored Vibrant Soundbridge Cochlear Oticon Med-El Advanced Bionics Siemens Resound Widex alps Meril Balloon Dilatation Ventera Nasal packing Nasal pack removal Nasal Endoscopy videolaryngoscopy Ossiculoplasty Stroboscopy Pus from ear Puss from ear bppv Benign Positional Vertigo Vertigo Treatment Spinning head Allergy Vocal Cord Surgery Adenoid / Tonsil Surgery Pre and Post Delivery Care Thyroplasty Surgery Of The Facial Nerve Chronic Skin Allergy Sinus / Sinusitis Treatment Hypophysectomy Congenital Ear Problem Treatment Laser Surgeries for Head and Neck Lesions Thyroidectomy Pityriasis Rosea

    Membru ta' Assoċjazzjonijiet

    Assoċjazzjoni tal-Otolaryngologists tal-Indja (AOI) Assoċjazzjoni tal-Vuċi Indjana Soċjetà Indjana tal-Otoloġija

    Esperjenza ta' Tabib

    1994 – 2023 Kirurgu ENT fil-Klinika ENT ta' Dr. Sumit 2002 – 2023 Kirurgu Konsulent ENT Anzjan fl-Isptar KEM u Ċentru ta' Riċerka, Pune
    L-ebda tobba simili ma nstab f’Pune mal-lokalità ta’ Nagar Road

    L-aqwa kirurgu tal-ENT f'Pune